March 30, 2009

Ännu en ny vecka.

Dude, tiden verkligen sprrinnnnger fram. Nu är denna helg över också ! och jag lovar att det kommer vara helg om ngn timma el så... seriöst.
Idag blir det en sväng till gymmet, sen ska ja träffa Elin. Blir antagligen en liten promenix uppe i hillsen. Kan vara nice ! :)

The time is going soo fast. Another weekend has past, and I'm sure that the next weekend will appear in a couple of hours, or so... Seriously.
Now: the gym. Then I'm going to meet up with Elin and we're heading to the hills for a walk. Nice! :)


Jennifer said...

Have fun sweet! :)


Winnie said...

From the looks of all your photos the walk should be fun. You make me long for warmer weather!

Mo said...

time always goes by too fast when you're enjoying yourself !!

Mademoiselle Ruta said...

oo the little woute is true.

the beach looks so pretty. i wish i could lie out on a beach now

carolyn said...

thank u! :) have fun on your walk- I love walking through old forests, so pretty. take lots of pics!

Vintage Lollipops said...

Hope you're having a great time... ooh, and I'm loving this image!!


triangle eyes said...

Mmm, I know what you mean about timing slipping away so quickly. I always feel as though I never have enough time, but I'm also very lazy and don't use my time wisely. So I guess it's mostly my fault.

And thanks for reminding me that I need to go to the gym! :)

Human Racing said...

I hope you had a wonderful walk. I like your bracelets.

Cris said...

Vilket bra citat! me like