March 22, 2011


Terrified to hit the stage! Haha.
That IS supposed to be a nervous/scared face haha. I know- fail! ^^
I söndags sjöng ju Ninnie och jag i en kyrka här i Vetlanda. Tjena va nervösa vi var eller! Men... jag tror... det..gick..bra...? Gjorde väl inget megafel eller ngt sånt, så det var ju tur iaf ^^
Idag har det ju vart såååånt underbart väder! Solbrillor på och en strålande sol och över 10+. High Five!
Slutade vid 14, så jag begav mig till gymmet en sväng. Asnice! Sen gjorde jag mig en mkt god egengjord Subway sandwich! Mmmmm!

On Sunday, me and Ninnie sang at a church here in Vetlanda (where we live). Maaan, nervous or what! But... I think... it.. went.. alright...? We didn't screw up major:ly at least ^^
It's been SUCH nice weather today! Sunglasses on, and a big bright sun and over 10+C (50F). (Thats reaaallly nice for being Sweden in March haha). So High Five!
Got off at 2pm today, so I headed over to the gym. Super sweet ! Then I made myself a reallyyy good homemade Subway Sandwich! Mmmmm!


james said...

aw how neat! you should post a video :)

Audrey Allure said...

Sounded like fun :)

Sophie in the Sticks said...

High five back!!! Nice one.

Julie Iliana said...

awesome! I'd love to hear you girls :) what song did you sing?

The Sydney Girl said...

how nice!!!! singing at church :) I bet you sounded great!


Caroline said...

Men häng med på något pass nångång? :D Det är ju jättekul!

I V Y said...

cute pics!

visit my blog, follow me on twitter @zebraandmeerkat
and visit my store, xo
xo, zebra and meerkat.

Leia said...

How fun that you performed at church!


glasruta said...

åh! ledsen jag är att jag missade :( ni lär ju varit grymmast ever! och våren är verkligen påvääääg :D

Unknown said...

i bet you guys did great! youre both so cute! thanks forcommenting on my blog!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

michelle_ said...

love those pretty photos !

glisters and blisters

FashionJazz said...

Always love your pictures hun and you have really pretty features :)

Have a awesome week xx

yiqin; said...

homemade subway sandwich?!?!

beryl said...

id love to hear you sing! post a video on here!


maggeygrace said...

I'm sure the both of you did MARVELOUSLY. You sure both look gorgeous and ready to hit the stage, even if you looked nervous!

MOMO said...

oh lovely pics<333

xoxo from JPN.

Viv said...

i wish i could play the guitar :)

Rand T said...

oh wow wish i could do something like that!so cool:)
hope you enjoyed the sunshine and gym:)xx

Winnie said...

You definitely need to post a video! Looks like a lot of fun despite being so nervous!

Alex said...

you are drop dead gorgeous lady! haha, as an American I have always assumed everyone in Sweden is stunning with healthy blonde hair and big blue eyes... you are certainly supporting that stereotype... you're such a cutie!

Thanks for the translation on your blog too, I would obviously be incredibly lost without it! Nice to meet you :)