Efter jobbet igår var jag och fikade med fina Ninnie och fina Erica. Så mysigt :)
På kvällen var jag helt slut, av någon anledning. Vid typ kl17 började jag kolla på lite dokumentärer på datorn... Vid 19tiden somnade jag in... Vaknade upp igen vid typ 21-21.30 haha. Sen somnade jag om igen runt halv elva typ. Vaknade upp igen vid tolv. Låg vaken ett tag och somnade sen om för att vakna upp vid 3.30 typ.
Då såg jag att det var en San Jose Sharks vs Vancouver hockey match som precis skulle börja (det laget som äger stället i Usa jag bodde på, i San Jose.) och lyckades hitta värsta niciga live streamingen online.
Eric, en awesome kompis, tog mig på en match förra året (typ exakt ett år sen) och vi såg samma lag, Vancouver, spela mot dom (Han valde att ta mig på just den matchen för att det är en del svenskar som är med och spelar i deras lag..). Lite coolt tyckte ja haha. Iaf, sjuuuuuuukt spännande match ! Det var inte lätt att somna om- om jag nu skulle kunnat gjort det. Slutade med straffar och att Sharks förlorade, men så är det.
Så ja, sen desshar jag vart uppe. Jag är inte så trött nu, hoppas inte jag kommer dö i typ eftermiddag bara haha.
After work yesterday I went out for a "fika" ( = "go out for a coffee, but not necessarily drinking coffee" Best word ever invented and don't see why the English language doesn't have a word like that haha) with Ninnie and another friend of ours, Erica. Nice seeing her again :)
In the evening I was so exhausted, for some reason. At like 5pm I started watching a few documentaries on my computer... at 7ish I fell asleep and woke up again at like 9-9.30ish haha. Then I fell back to sleep at like 10.30pm. Woke up at 12ish. Was awake for a while and then fell back to sleep, and later again woke up at like 3.30ish.
I saw that a San Jose Sharks vs Vancouver game (the team that kicks it where I lived in the US, in San Jose...) was just gonna start and I managed to find a super sweet live streaming of the game online.
Eric, an awesome friend of mine, took me to a game last year (almost exact a year ago) and we saw the same team, Vancouver, play against them (he chose this team coz there are a few Swedish players playing for them). Kinda cool yeahhh.
Anyway, insanely exciting game !! Seriously. If I would have wanted to go back to sleep it wouldn't have been very easy. It ended in shootouts and unfortunately Sharks lost 5-4. Too bad.
So I've been up since, and I hope I won't die of tiredness in the afternoon haha.
(Pics from the Sharks game last year)
Nice blog!
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Thank you so much!
looks like fun :)
glisters and blisters
ooo, fika!!! i'm totally going to start using that haha. is it pronounced like fee-kah? haha the shark thing made me laugh. and it made me excited! cause i'm going to the aquarium in atlanta soon, and i'm really looking forward to it (:
I agree, I want to start using that word! Fika is a lovely word. I've only ever been to one ice hockey game before which was when I went on school holiday to Quebec when I was younger and it's so violent! Crazy!
Looks like a very fun game! Haha. Have a nice weekend to you! ;)
You always seem to have so much fun :)
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