March 20, 2011

Did I hear "High School Reunion" ?

I fredags var det Klassfest (klassåterträff) med min gymnasieklass. Alla kunde
tyvärr inte komma, men vi vart några stycken iaf! And it was awesome. Sjukt kul att se folk igen!
Höjdpunkten (eller lågpunkten haha) på kvällen/natten var när jag kommit hem från Eksjö och ska precis kliva ur bilen hemma i Vetlanda så upptäcker jag att jag glömt min väska i Eksjö (tar ungefär 20-30min att åka dit..). Supertrött var jag, men jag hade inte mkt till val att åka tillbaka- för i min väska var ju min plånbok och körkort. Så, mitt i natten körde jag tillbaks. Jag hade under heeeela resan i baktanken att "en polis FÅR inte stoppa mig nu, för jag har ju inget körkort" haha. Och när jag har typ kanske 7min kvar till the place jag ska till ser jag en polisbil stå på andra sidan vägen. När jag kör förbi vänder den (SJÄLVKLART) om och följer efter mig. Mitt hjärta började dunka som en galen bashögtalare! Jag tänkte b
ara på att köra lagligt- får då skulle dom ju inte ha ngn anledning att stanna mig. Men när jag svänger in till bostadsområdet där klassfesten hade hållt hus sätter dom blåljuset. ASSÅ ASSÅ. Panik typ!
Jag öppnade dörren, och polisen bara "Kan jag få se körkort". Jag förklarade hela situationen för honom, och jag kunde bokstavligen peka på huset där min väska var och sa att dom kunde få följa med in och hämta det. Men det behövdes visst inte. Jag fick iaf blåsa sånt alkotest, och det var ju grönt så klart, så det va ju lungt. Sen ställde dom bara några frågor och sen fick jag åka. Sicken tur alltså! Usch, jag var sååå skakig efteråt alltså!

There was a High School Party (class reunion) with my high school class on Friday. Everyone weren't able to come, but there was still a great deal of us there! And it was awesome. Crazy fun to see everyone again!
The highlight (or low light haha) of the night was when I got home and was just about to step out of the car at home and I discovered that I forgot my bag at he party (takes about 20-30min to drive there. One way ..). I was super tired, but I had not much choice but to go back there and get my bag, coz in there was my wallet and driver's license. So, I drove back.
Throughout the whole ride, all I kept thinking was "a police CAN NOT stop me now, coz I have no driver's license" haha. And when I'm maybe 7 minutes away from the place I was going to, I see a police car standing parked on the other side of the road. When I drive by it I see in my rear view mirror that they are turning around
(of course) and started following me. My heart started pounding like a crazy bass amps! All I kept thinking was to drive legally- then they wouldn't have a reason to stop me (so I thought). But when I turn into the neighborhood where the house was the red and blue lights came on. MAN! Welcome Panic in Victorias body!
I opened my car door, and the police said "Can I see your driver's license." I explained the whole situation to him, and I could literally point to the house where my bag was and said they could follow me to the house and get it if t
hey wanted to. But apparently it wasn't necessary. I had to do a sobriety tests, and I was green, of course, so that was all good, obviously. Then they just asked some questions and then they let me go. Crazy drive back! Yikes, I was so shaky afterwards !
Peace out! :P


Leia said...

It looks like you always have a lot of fun! :)


Caroline said...

Hahahaha, det här var det roligaste jag hört (läst kanske) på länge!

Viv said...

awesome photos, you guys look like you had fun ;)

Julie Iliana said...

oh my gosh! I hate when you're hoping and wishing and praying something doesn't happen only to see it happen, haha. I'm so glad they let you go though! thankfully you had a good reason and they were nice to believe it :) glad you had a great time though! the pictures look fun!


Anonymous said...

u have very unusual appearance
i started to follow you
it will be great if you follow me TOO

much love

ellie said...

Wow what a night. So adventurous.

ivy's closet said...

Love the pictures. Looks like a fun time. Glad you are OK.

lucy and sarah said...

So much adventure. I love your story-telling.

molly said...

Such fun expressions!

Sophie in the Sticks said...

sounds scary. I don't think I could face a high school reunion yet!
thanks for visiting my blog :)

Anonymous said...
