March 18, 2011


Detta gör Victoria innerligt ledsen. Deprimerad. DETTA (ja, JUST DETTA) är en stor anledning till att jag inte gillar att bo i Sverige. Ärligt. Jag tror jag är allergisk mot snö haha.
Aja, nog med klagandes. Ikväll vankas KLASSFEST. Woo! Ska bli sjukt kul att se folket från min gymnasieklass igen! MP05 MP05 MP05!
Imon är det jobb, sen resten av dagen måste Ninnie och jag öva det sista innan vi ska sjunga på Söndag. Hur ska vi klara av att ta oss igenom 4 låtar utan att börja skratta (som vi gjort varje gång hittills typ). Yes.... Håll tummarna för oss haha.
Nehe, nu ska jag bege mig ut i den underbart vackra och härliga snö (ironisk? Ne, inte alls...) till jobbet.
Ha det!

This makes Victoria deeply and truly sad. Depressed. THIS (yes, THIS) is a huge reason why I don't like living in Sweden. Seriously. I think I'm allergic to snow haha. Lately it's been all springy and sunny and nice, and last night this came. FAIL!
Ok enough complaining. Tonight I'm going to a High School reunion party! Woo. It'll be awesome seeing everyone again!
Tomorrow I'm working, then the rest of the day me and Ninnie have to practice the last time before our "performance" (haha, that sounds fancy) on Sunday. How are we gonna be able to get through 4 songs without starting to laugh (like we've only done so far). Yes hmm.... Cross you're fingers for us haha.
Uhmm, if maybe I should head out in the wonderful and beautiful snow (ironic? Heck no..) and go to work..
Take care!


glasruta said...

ALLTSÅ SÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ INTE OKEJ! :( är det okej att dö nu? fan. och tack för din kommentar, hihihih. roligt att du gillar headern :) det är alltid lika läskigt att byta för man inte vet hur reaktionerna ska bli.. hehe. hoppas ni får det roligt på klassfesten ikväll också :)

Syed said...

Haha, I always say I would love to live in Scandinavia if it weren't for the snow.

michelle_ said...

woah i actually want to live in d scandinavians.. lol
have fun at the reunion !

thanks for stopping by at my blog !
glisters and blisters

stylefrontier said...

looking at this photo makes me want to go out and play in the snow though haha
but i understand some people prefer not to
have fun at the reunion! :)

little miss fhenny

lovisa said...

allt bra?:D

Anonymous said...

Great photo;)

FashionJazz said...

Wow look at all that snow, thats hectic! I dont even think I have ever seen anything like that before.... we hardly ever get snow.

Have a lovely wknd xx

beryl said...

awww, i feel ya gurl. my winter was terrible but don't worry spring and summer will come again :)


Winnie said...

Crazy snow!! I always think it would be lovely to live in Sweden but I couldn't handle so much snow!

yiqin; said...

I really wish so bad I'd be able to ply w snow.

Julie Iliana said...

wow, I can't believe this came out of nowhere! hope you get your spring back :) hope you have fun at the high school reunion!