April 07, 2013


Vid 7 imorse påbörjade jag, mamma & syrran våran roadtrip till Ullared för lite shopping!
Ett antal timmar senare satte vi oss i bilen hem, med x antal påsar rikare haha!
Jag fyndade fina träningskläder medan de andra två hittade massa fint till deras hem och lite smått och gott! Alla var vi nöjda iaf :)
Inatt kommer jag sova gott, det kan jag känna på en gång :P

At 7am this morning me, my mom and my sister started our roadtrip to this place called "Ullared/Gekås" where people from all over Sweden comes to shop (verytjing from clothes to sports stuff to lamps and well name anything you can buy and you'll find it there!). And it's rather cheap so thats there thing! Kinda lika a bigger Walmart ^^
Several hours later we decided to go home, with a lot of bags filled haha!
I got some really nice workout gear and the other two got a lot of nice stuff to decorate their houses with! Everyone was satisfied :)
I'm gonna sleep really well tonight, I can feel that haha :P
(Billigt godis.. mmmmm :D)


carro said...

Mysigt :)

Emelie said...

Åååh, vill dit!!
Ja, men passionsfrukt är så himla gott :D

Carro - trebarns mamman på Gran canaria said...

Åh goooodis! och så billigt!! Här borta är godis dyrt..

Kim said...

Sounds like a fun girls day out - shopping and girl time - always a good combo!!

Rebecca said...

mums ;)