Detta är min kusin som fyllde 1år i helgen. Därför åkte jag och familjen upp till Stockholm och firade henne. Sån himla glad liten tjej :)
Så ja, vi var hos farmor hela helgen och träffade släkt både igår och idag.
Ikväll vart det träning med Ninnie. Har ju inte träffat henne på heeeeeeela helgen liksom ! Kära nån! haha
How cute is she?
This is my cousin, who turned 1 this weekend. So me and my family went up to Stockholm and celebrated her. Such a happy little girl.
So yeah, we spent the whole weekend at my grandma's place and met family both yesterday and today.
Once I got home tonight I went to Ninnie's place to work out. I mean, I didn't see her aaaallllll weekend! Goodness! haha.
How cute is she?
This is my cousin, who turned 1 this weekend. So me and my family went up to Stockholm and celebrated her. Such a happy little girl.
So yeah, we spent the whole weekend at my grandma's place and met family both yesterday and today.
Once I got home tonight I went to Ninnie's place to work out. I mean, I didn't see her aaaallllll weekend! Goodness! haha.