July 05, 2011

San Jose

Jag gillar min T-shirt.
Igår var det några stygga personer inne på H&M och snodde en massa kläder.. Men med hjälp från en kund kunde jag stoppa dom. Eller ja, JAG stoppade dom ju inte, utan vi ringde ju väktare och sen hittade poliserna dom. Dom hade typ vart runt hela stan och plockat på sig grejjer. Alltså grr så himla störande. Vi hittade en massa galgar, larm och prislappar inne i provrummen. Jag träffade dom senare med poliserna. Dom var helt crazy. Typ höga och crazy.

I like my t-shirt.
Two people stole bunch of clothes from our H&M store yesterday. But with help from another customer I was able to catch them. Or like, I didn't stop them, but we called security and then the cops found them. Apparently they had been in a lot of stores and stolen stuff. Grrr, so frustrating. We found bunch of hangers, ink/alarm tags and price tags in the fitting rooms. Good thing they caught them. I met them later, they seemed crazy. Almost high and crazy.


maggeygrace said...

Oh my gosh!!! That's so great that you called it in and DID something about it- not many people would be able to have that kind of courage! Good for you- people can be so silly.

FashionJazz said...

Wow, u go babe! Very happy u did something to help xx

Kaylia Payne said...

Oh wow, how horrible!!! I'm glad that they caught them!

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

That's terrible! Boo for thieves! :(