May 12, 2011


I fredags förra veckan skulle jag gått till läkaren och kolla upp min... ja... jag säger ju laktos, men det vet jag ju inte än. Men jag skulle iaf gått dit och kolla upp vad som är fel på mig, om jag är laktos eller inte. Är jag inte det vill jag gärna få svar på VAD som är fel på min mage haha. I vilket fall så ringde dom på Torsdagen och sa att min läkare var sjuk, så jag fick en ny tid. Och den nya tiden är imorgon förmiddag. Ska bli skönt att NU ÄNTLIGEN få gå. Om dom inte ringer på morgonen och säger att det inte går (skulle inte förvåna mig. ), men det hoppas jag inte ^^
Häromdagen städade Ninnie och jag Samuels lägenhet. Igen. (Utan att han visste det så klart...)Våran kojja var ju fortfarande kvar efter en vecka, och vi kände att det kankse var dax att ta ner den nu, då den inte såg jättefin ut längre. Sagt och gjort. Rent och fint blev det, och jag tror bestämt att Samuel uppskattade det ^^
Varför är det så sjuuuukt mkt roligare att städa någon annans place, jämfört med sitt eget??
(((High Five till Sveriges hockeymatch idag, btw!))

Last Friday I had a doctors appointment. I was gonna check on my... well.. I say I'm lactose intolerant, but that I don't know yet- therefor I am going to the doctor ;) Hopefully I'll find out what's wrong with my stomach. Well, so last Thursday they called me and said my doctor was sick, so I had to get a new time- and the new time is tomorrow morning. So it'll be AWESOME to finally go there. Unless they call me in the morning to cancel this appointment tooo (wouldn't surprise me). But I sure hope not ^^
The other day me and Ninnie cleaned our friend Samuels apartment. Again. (Without him knowing about it, of course..). Our "hut" was still there, after a week in his living room, and we felt that it was time to take it down.. it didn't look as perfect and nice anymore. Said and done. Turned out very nice and clean, and I believe Samuel was very happy with that surprise ^^
Why is it sooo much more fun to clean someone else's place, compared to your own ??


Mademoiselle Ruta said...

Hope the doctor's appointment went well!

Laura Mullins said...

aww, i hope you aren't lactose intolerant! that would be such a bummer. but i really hope you figure out what's wrong with your tum!

April said...

I think it's harder to clean someone else's stuff, cause I never know what I can throw away. I like cleaning my own room tho because I always throw away a lot of stuff and it feels very cleansing.

Em [The Writer] said...

Ohh cleaning out things is so much fun!

Hope you aren't lactose intolerant dear!

misslikey said...

nice blog and very cool adventures!

Anders said...

Tack Vickan!!! :)
Lycka till hos läkaren!!!
Varför kommer ni aldrig till mitt place, där skulle minsann behöva städas... :P Förresten, sprang en runda igår, men måste blivit något fel, för när ja väl tagit mig runt den där sjön hade ja bara sprungit 4 km... Hahaha...

dimi said...

Very accurate question! Good luck with your doctor! :)

SJ said...

ha ha, my friend/housemate always used to go in and clean our other housemate's room. not sure why, i think she liked going through all her lovely clothes (and there were a lot of them).

Anonymous said...

Great photo;-)

Have a nice weekend!

Nana said...

Can't believe you clean your friends' apartments! haha I am not as nice to mine. Man I hate cleaning.
I hope you find out what's wrong with your stomach soon! Hopefully they won't cancel on you again :)

Kaylia Payne said...

That's so nice that you cleaned his apartment!
I hope you find out what's wrong with your stomach.

Deidre said...

It is much more fun to clean and organise someone else's stuff isn't it?

This weekend I helped my boyfriend reorganise his kitchen cabinets.

FashionJazz said...

Hope u well hun! Happy Monday xx

Winnie said...

Hope you find out soon, so many people I know become lactose intolerant in their 20s! Looks like you had a fun day (don't you always?! haha).

Samuel said...

awesome you rock!!! the apartment looks awesome thanx again!!!!! =))) /huggies!

SJ said...

i've never seen someone look so happy in all their photos, love it!

and good luck with the doctor, hope everything is ok.