March 28, 2013

Wake up to the sound of the ocean

Såhär vaknar jag och Andreas upp nu för tiden. Till ljudet av havet eller olika typer av fågelkvitter. Och jag säger bara det, det är underbart ! Man vill bara ligga kvar där för alltid haha. Fast man vaknar på ett väldigt harmoniskt sett. Underbart :)
Hörs lite dåligt på videon, men jag lovar- it is magical :)

This is how Andreas and I wake up every morning now. To the sound of the ocean or different birds tweeting. And let me tell ya, it's wonderful! You just wanna stay there forever. But you just wake up and feel really harmonious. It's awesome! :)
You can't really hear it all that well in the video, but it's really nice :)


Kim said...

Waking up to the sound of the ocean is my favorite (well, along with falling asleep to the same sound!).
Sadly, that only happens on some vacations - hopefully when we retire it will be all the time!!

Kim said...

Waking up to the sound of the ocean is my favorite (well, along with falling asleep to the same sound!).
Sadly, that only happens on some vacations - hopefully when we retire it will be all the time!!