March 12, 2010

She's Out Of My League

Idag satt jag och lapade sol hela förmiddagen i princip. Gillar läget liksom. Och sen förstördes mina planer för kvällen. Eller a, typ. Jag trodde att min värdmamma skulle komma hem ikväll och J frågade om jag ville hänga med han och hans kompisar till Santa Cruz efter hans klass, och det hade jag velat ju, men nu fick jag reda på att min v-mammas flyg landar vid midnatt. Yes. Haha, så ja ne det går ju inte. Aja, får bli en annan dag.
Har inga pix att bjuda på idag, utan jag kör trailer till "She's out of my league". Måste se. Älskar Jay Baruchel ! Den har premiär imon , men imon är det ju Dizzy Balloon som gäller igen :P Woo.

I practically spend the whole morning outside in a chair in the sun. Me like. And then my plans for the evening was ruined. Well, not really, I just though my hostmom would be home like tonite and J asked me if I wanted to go to Santa Cruz with him and his friends after his class, and that would have been so much fun, but then I found out that my h-moms flight arrives at midnite . Yes. Haha. So that would have been kinda hard then, ey. Oh well, there'll be another time.
Have no pix to share today, so I'll just do the trailer for "She's out of my league". A must-see. Love Jay Baruchel ! It opens tomorrow, but we got a Dizzy Balloon show to go to :P Woo.


Mo said...

lol looks like a fun movie guess it's gonna be in europe by 2011...

sucks about your evening :-(

yeah i think i had the tiniest weights ever and it still hurt lol

HMcK said...

You're welcome, thanks for commenting on my blog but I never check that one, I have an actual fashion blog which I update daily!

Audrey Allure said...

Haha, I really want to see that movie :)

Marla Singer said...

sounds fun! and the trailer looks interesting =D

Zuzolińska said...

Aw, you lucky! You have sun! In Poland winter is unfortunately still actual and when I see snow one again...&$&%$%*$@$!

Thank you for nice words :) Visit me repeatedly

Filmfadern said...

En helt oki film. En 3:a fick den av mig