January 15, 2010

Universal Posers & Youth In Revolt

Ledig idag som sagt. Men fick inte speciellt mkt ledigt för ja (eller inte jag-jag) har fixat med min bil hela dagen.. och det tog verkligen heeela dagen. Suck. (och har man inte tillgång till bil här gäller det att gå om man vill ta sig någonstans, och gångavstånden är inte normala här om man vill till ställen hehe... Men men, det går (get it ^^) det med ! :P
På kvällen gick vi iaf på bio och såg bästa filmen med bästa skådisen Michael Cera. "Youth In Revolt" (klicka för trailer). Bajsbra film haha. Cera gör verkligen hela filmen !

Been off today. Although didn't get much "off-time" coz I took my car for service and that pretty much took all day. Hmpf. (and if you don't have a car here you have to walk- and stuff around here aren't really close, so if you wanna get somewhere, well then you'd have to walk for a while hehe..).
Went to the movies tonite , though and saw awesome Michael Cera in "Youth In Revolt" (trailer). Loved it. Well love him, and he totally rocked the movie.


Audrey Allure said...

i can't wait to see youth in revolt; i love michael cera <3

sparklegreen said...

I am wondering what kinds of acting Michael Cera can do besides play himself. I hope to see him play other types of characters soon!

Winnie said...

Gotta see this too. Love your photos, you always look like you're having the best time! I bet sometimes your job doesn't feel like a job right?

Valencia Lia said...

Sorry I've been so soooo behind with your posts here. heeee I guess by now you know the reason why urghhh

Woooo,it surely looks like you had the best time ever!! I love the dress you're wearing. And stunning photos as always :)

Rebecca said...

svar: tackar som fasiken :D
åååh, du är au pair :O det vill jag åka som :*

Emelie said...


Sjyssta pics som vanligt! Mycket värme i dina bilder :)
