June 02, 2009

What women says

Jag kan tycka det är rätt underhållande (och irriterande i längden?) att lyssna på "väninnor" i provrummen i affärer här (i resten av världen med, så klart).
"Oh I've got such huge a*s",
"I can't believe I can't I don't fit in this size anymore",
"Do you think I look fat in this?"
"Ohhh, I look pregnant"
"My hips are humangous",
and so on , and so on. Haha. Det roliga är liksom hur man sen ser dom med Coca Colaflaskor (inte diet då..) när dom kommer ut. Då tänker jag liksom- okey, hej på er liksom...

Translation: I find it kind of entertaining listening to women, friends, in fittingrooms over here (well, everywhere, I guess...)
"Oh I've got such huge a*s",
"I can't believe I can't I don't fit in this size anymore",

"Do you think I look fat in this?"

"Ohhh, I look pregnant"

"My hips are humangous",
and so on , and so on. Haha The fun part about it is that you see them with Cokes (not diet) when they come out. I mean, come on haha. I'm just thinking- Hellooo??

and oh, btw ! The snake on our street is now: Dead. Splashed, Crushed, Flat. FYI ;)


Elizabeth Marie said...

Ohh we always focus on what we hate...rather than our positives! Good, bye snake!! :)

the oaks said...

Its a bit like ordering a huge meal at a fast food place with a diet drink..hmmm..

I like listening to conversation everywhere..though.

Thanks for dropping by.

Chantelle said...

hahahah i totally agree. i find it amusing to here though lol!