June 18, 2009

Awards and tagging :)

(Sorry swedes... Ja kör helengelsk denna gång.. men ni kan ju engelska så :P)
I got this nice award from Morena. Thank you :)
And sweet Mo tagged me... so.. shoot:
1. Each blogger must post these rules.
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Blogger that are tagged need to write about their own ten things and post these rules.
4. Don't forget to leave a comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog.

My 10 things:
1. I've started to love running.
2. I often wish I was a guy for various reasons (..nicer perfumes, better accessories, at the beach they only need to put on a pair of shorts and that's good...and... well I can keep going.. haha).
3. For a period in my life (not that long ago actually..) I didn't allow myself to drink any liquid, not even water. Not anything. It was truly awful.
4. I don't buy shirts/dresses over like $10 (or about 100 svenska kronor) and pants.. like max. $15. I'm a stingy fella..
5. I'm addicted to M&M (in sweden, I'm addicted to "lösgodis", or any chocolate, really.. haha.)
6. I laugh at myself for laughing out loud to Friends. which only result in more laughing from my side... which I don't mind, really... :D
7. I always (most of the time..) show up to places right on time, or like 1 minute before I'm suppose to. I'm not late (well, I mean, I'm human.) but never really early (cause I don't like waiting..)... And yes, this has caused some problems at times.. Let me just say: train station, running and lost phone haha.. Ninnie knows what I'm talking about :P
8. Friends is like the only thing I watch nowadays (and that's on my computer...) I haven't really watched tv since october last year (let's put it this way: there's better ways to spend my time in Cali than watching tv, right`? .. although I do spend a few hours infront of my pink computer hehe..)
9. I like walking around in grocery stores.
10. I love driving (alone ^^) cause the car is far out the best place to listen to music (and sing along haha..)

I could keep going forever haha..
Okey, so I'm gonna be lazy and tagg whomever wants to do it.. :P Sorry about that hihi..


issye margaretha kamal said...

wow . really fun post . hahaha . i like to do half of that too .

hope we can be friend

Velo said...

that's true.. really fun post.
your answer number two makes me laugh.
i also agree, but a little agree..
boys have many cool boots to choose.

thanks for ur comment too..
wanna exchange link?

alice said...

Hey, congratulations! Wonderful blog x


Mo said...

aaa sweet !! now i know we have more than Friends in common ;-) have a great day !

Jennifer Nilsson said...

Tack så mycket :D

Anonymous said...

Congratulation!=) I like to read this sort of stuff, get to know the blogger a little better!=) Chocolate forever!!=D

Carol Jeandel said...

Congratulation ! Congratulation ! of your award with the nice talking all : ) i love driving too it would be a nice to discover the wonderful place .

divanaurlopie said...


sara said...

usch ! :/