June 20, 2009

Bye Bye Kuma

Ja denna dagen handlade mest om sorg. Usch vilken hemsk dag . Vi upptäckte på morgonen att våran hund hade dött.. Så dagen har mestadels spenderats åt att ta hand om honom, ta farväl, sörja, prata, minnas och så vidare.
Liksom när ja kom till min värdfamilj så kom jag till en familj bestådende av 5 individer; min värdmamma, mitt värdbarn, Kuma (hunden), Ziggy (katt) och Zeus (katt). Vi är som en familj. Ingen är mer värd än den andra. Så har det verkligen vart med dessa djur, och speciellt Kuma. Sån personlighet, sån glad hund och så glad i mat var han :). Men nu är han i hundhimlen iaf. Där har han det bra. <3 style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">

This day has mostly been about grieving the loss of my hostfamilies lovely dog, Kuma. We found him this morning. It was aweful, really.
When I came to this family I didn't come to a family of 2 people. No, this family was a family of 5; my hostmum, hostkid, Kuma (dog), Ziggy (cat) and Zeus (cat). We are a big family. All equal.

He was such a happy dog, such a personality and the best beggar for food in the world :) But now he's in dog heaven. He's happy there. <3
I didn't know I would take it as hard as I did. But I guess, when a familymember dies, how can you not be sad.


The Sydney Girl said...

ohhh my prayers go out to you, the doggie and his family. yes pets are definitely family members and you will always remember him.

i still think of my beautiful childhood pet. he was a labrador and his name was foxy. he'll always be in my heart.

he's a lucky soul, to have been so loved.


ninnie said...


Mo said...

omg i am sooooo sorry dear, i totally understand, they are truly parts of your family, always there for you. This is sooo sad, i hope you and your hostfamily will manage to keep in mind all the sweet memories, and to think that Kuma had a happy life w/ a family that truly loved him. He will not be forgotten.

Mo said...
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divanaurlopie said...

nice photo:D

Annisa NF said...

beautifully captured :)

h said...


HoneyBunny said...

Oh:( That's so sad! I'm so sorry:( :*

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is awful! I'm so sorry :(

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

oh, that's terrible! i hope you feel better


Tilda said...

Nej, vad hemskt! Hoppas att han slapp lida åtminstone. Tänker på dig! Kram