På kvällen hade ja planerat att åka och kolla på mina pojkar i I The Mighty (som förövrigt inte har spelat på sjuuukt länge för dom har vart i studion..). Men så vart det inte pga av vissa saker. Men det slutade iaf med en kväll hos kära Elin tillsammans med Mathilda och lite fruktpaj och film på det. Mkt fin kväll med trevliga små damer ;D
Och nu är uret 1.30 och ja borde faktiskt tänka på nattvisan nu. God Natt Gott Folk
Translation: Had another afternoon @ the pool 2day. And so my plans for the evening was to go to an I The Mighty concert (who btw haven't been playing like anything lately cause they've been in the recordingstudio...). But I was off to late, so I couldnt go. Instead I ended up at Elins place along with Mathilda and som pie and movie on top of that. Sweet. :)
And the time just hit 1.30am and I should be facing my pillow by now, really. So Good Night People.
Och nu är uret 1.30 och ja borde faktiskt tänka på nattvisan nu. God Natt Gott Folk
Translation: Had another afternoon @ the pool 2day. And so my plans for the evening was to go to an I The Mighty concert (who btw haven't been playing like anything lately cause they've been in the recordingstudio...). But I was off to late, so I couldnt go. Instead I ended up at Elins place along with Mathilda and som pie and movie on top of that. Sweet. :)
And the time just hit 1.30am and I should be facing my pillow by now, really. So Good Night People.
i need a pool. it s sooo hot in Malmö !
Ah I hardly swim =x
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