Fredagar är niciga för då slutar jag oftast runt 6 och då passar jag på att ge mig ut på en springarunda efter då är det lagom temp ute. Att springa under dagen är =självmord.
Ja, annars har dagen vart rätt så ok. Jobbade lite mellan typ 9.30-13.30 och var ledig till 17. Och "jobbade" 1 h då. Och nu vare helg. Ha en trevlig sådan, folk!
I like fridays, cause then I'm usually off at around 6pm and that gives me time to go for a run i the evening, with the nice temperature. You don't want to run outside in the days. That's like killing yourself.
Otherwise, a pretty nice day. Worked a bit from 9.30-1.30, then again between 5-6pm. And now- another weekend.
Have a great one, ya'll!
Ja, annars har dagen vart rätt så ok. Jobbade lite mellan typ 9.30-13.30 och var ledig till 17. Och "jobbade" 1 h då. Och nu vare helg. Ha en trevlig sådan, folk!
I like fridays, cause then I'm usually off at around 6pm and that gives me time to go for a run i the evening, with the nice temperature. You don't want to run outside in the days. That's like killing yourself.
Otherwise, a pretty nice day. Worked a bit from 9.30-1.30, then again between 5-6pm. And now- another weekend.
Have a great one, ya'll!
Super cool pics!
Haha, cute pictures!=) Have a nice weekend!=)
i totally admire you for going running so often !! for this and many other reasons, i gave you an award ;-)
Funny ;)) I like 1st photo ;))
grymma bilder! ha en fin helg du också, xx.
Haha love that first photo :) I do love running in the evenings, or super early in the morning. I can never bring myself to run in the middle of the day for some reason.
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