September 11, 2009

Dagens I-landsproblem

Kort vecka denna vecka- klagar inte- å andra sidan måste ja jobba ikväll. Gör la inte jättemkt, men vanligtvis åker killen till sin pappa på fredagen, men inte idag. Men men, idag peppar ja mest inför imorgonkväll.... Wooooooo. Hehe.
Dessutom har min svarta favoritklocka gått sönder (igen!) för typ 15de gången ! Det har ju funkat med superlim ett tag och jag kommer antagligen fortsätta limma den, för det är då inte lätt att hitta en liknande... sooorgligt. Dagens i-landsproblem liksom. (inte för att jag inte har några andra att använda hehe, men ...)

Short week this week- not complaining- although I have to work tonight. Not that big of a deal hehe, its just that usually my kiddo goes to his dad on fridays, but not today. Oh well, what I'll do today is mostly think about tomorrownight...I'm excited ! Wooooo.. hehe..
And oh ! My fav. black watch broke y-day, or well, I've glued it like 15 times hehe... It works- for a while- with superglue, but I'm thinking it might be time for me to find a new one (aint easy- cause I really want the same kind!). Jeez, my biggest problem for the day haha.. (not that I dont have other watches I can use, but you understand me right ^^)


Patty Ann said...

coool watch
neon colors
are awesome!

divanaurlopie said...

this colour is beautifulll

Woods said...

that wallet is so freaking awesome!

Little Bo Peeep said...

Omg awesome watch, i totally dig the colour <3

yiqin; said...

Lovely watch <3

muchlove said...

aw, that sucks that your watch broke ..

Gia said...

Woow. Awesome!

The Sydney Girl said...

cool watch ! :D

Valencia Lia said...

I love this picture and your watch beautiful !

Lotta-Li said...

Synd det där med klockan, men den på bilden var ju skitcool den med :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a coool watch! Really! :o