December 15, 2009

Egyptian Museum

I lördags var det museum i San Jose som gällde. Rätt coolt faktiskt. Inte asspeciellt, men helt ok. Kollade först på en film om typ astronomi och sånt, och sen traskade vi runt och kollade på mumier och pyramider och sånt där. Rätt creepy saker fanns det.
Idag sprang jag på förmiddagen. Tusan att mitt ben börjar muppa sig annars hade ja lätt klarat 2h. Gaahh. Men nästan iaf. Sen slutade jag tidigt idag med, så ja åkte hem till Desi och vi kollade på Napoleon Dynamite. Hon hade inte sett den-katastrof! :P- så ja tog med mig min ^^
Nu blir det sova. Imon har ja ju inte sovmorgon (som ja då så lyxigt fick idag :P).

We went to an Egyptian Museum in San Jose. Pretty cool, actually. Not all that special, but still ok. Watched this movie first about astronomy and stuff and then we walked around in there for a while and admired mummies and pyramids and all crazy old stuff. Some pretty creepy stuff..
I went for a run this morning. Hate that my freakin leg always starts hurting, I would have totally made 2h if it wasn't for it !! Well, at least almost 2h. Then I got off early today so I went home to Desi to watch Napoleon Dynamite. She hadn't seen it- disaster ! ;P- so I brought mine ^^
Totally have to sleep now. No sleeping in tomorrow (like I were able to do today :P)


Nana MoonDancer said...

i've never been to a museum that's got Egiption stuff in it
so cool
looks like you had fun and saw really interesting stuff

Sara said...

Napoleon Dynamite är så bra!!

elin said...

me miss the two of u hihi...

Sylvie said...

Looks pretty cool! I haven't been to a museum in the longest time, and this really makes me want to go to one.

Valencia Lia said...

Wowwwww,soooo cool you all went to a Egyptian Museum ! I love love their history so much:)

you're looking gorgeous as always !