Yey, jag kom iväg på mini-roadtrippen i fredags. Vi åkte runt 6tiden och var framme cirkus 3h senare i San Luis Obispo, som ligger mitt emellan San Francisco och Los Angeles. Jag kan summera helgen med:
Häng med sköna människor.
Nice strand.
Frozen Yogurt.
Gul boll.
Sena nätter.
Amerikansk fotboll.
Tror ja fick med det vikigaste nu :P Fler bilder kommer. Josiah (som bor i San Luis Obispo- och som vi va hos- och Elin får representera detta inlägg...)
Häng med sköna människor.
Nice strand.
Frozen Yogurt.
Gul boll.
Sena nätter.
Amerikansk fotboll.
Tror ja fick med det vikigaste nu :P Fler bilder kommer. Josiah (som bor i San Luis Obispo- och som vi va hos- och Elin får representera detta inlägg...)
Yey, I were able to go on the roadtrip on friday. We started driving around 6ish and hit San Luis Obsipo like 3h later- S.L.O is like almost exactly in between San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Let me sum up the weekend:
Chill with nice people.
Sweet beach.
Forzen Yogurt.
Yellow ball.
Late nights.
Think I got the most important things there :P More pix will show. Josiah (who lives in San Luis Obsipo - and whom we staid at- and Elin get the honor to represent this post :P)
Yey, I were able to go on the roadtrip on friday. We started driving around 6ish and hit San Luis Obsipo like 3h later- S.L.O is like almost exactly in between San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Let me sum up the weekend:
Chill with nice people.
Sweet beach.
Forzen Yogurt.
Yellow ball.
Late nights.
Think I got the most important things there :P More pix will show. Josiah (who lives in San Luis Obsipo - and whom we staid at- and Elin get the honor to represent this post :P)
let me sum up how i feel about that:
jealous ;-)
sounds like you had fun, cool !
thanks for your comment ;-) im glad you like it.
I think i've been not quite sure of the name of the streets yet...what's so special?
love the photos
it seems to me that you had a lot of fun !
hahaha ja det ser verkligen ut som om vi har roligt dar gungande haha ( :
Looks like so much fun!
oh i love SLO - one of my best friends lives there. i need to go visit soon. its so pretty there.. way green . love love it. plus with all this rain comin in.. oh lala
yes she goes to calpoly.. its such a cool campus & really easy to get around. i dig it.
i am going to go to san fran yeah two of my friends are going to the festival but i dont have tickets.. or the time so no im not goin to the actual festival. boo
Wooooo,I really really love love roadtrips ! Even though I've not been on one yet:)
I'm so envious of you !! Yeahhh Froyo and beaches to visit and spending time with awesome people <3
Ahhhhh,do bring me along the next time around !
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