October 29, 2009

Middle of the week excitment

Min morgon började med att jag blev påkörd, bakifrån, av en bil. Boom, ja!
Helchockad blev jag. Jag stod still och väntade på ett trafikljus och helt plötsligt så smäller det till i och ja fattar först inte vad som hände (ja trodde först att min bil bara crashade eller typ ngt och bara började rulla fram). Men sen kollar jag bak och förstod rätt snart att bilen kört in i mig. Vi körde båda in och parkerade och jag tog hans info och så... Lyckligtvis så syntes det knappt ngt så det var ju bra.
Iaf... på gymmet fortsätter folk att vara så trevliga- bara sådär, av ingen anledning..... Älskar det :)

My morning started of with me being hit by a car in the back. Boom, yes!
I was totally shocked.
I was standing still with my car and was waiting for a traffic light and then just suddenly wooop! and I didn't quite understand what had happened at first (for a second I kinda just though that my car just crashed or like suddenly started rolling...) but then I turned around and understood I was hit. We drove into a parking lot and I took his info and stuff, but it barely shows anything, so that's good.
Anyways.... the people at my gym just continues to be so very nice and says such nice words- out of nowhere... Love it :)


Valencia Lia said...

Ohhhh my,hope your car and you is alright ! heeeee

I love love the fall leaves and you're looking beautiful and alright in the photo !

And I need to head to the gym soon too. At least 3 times a week. Hope I have time for that though

divanaurlopie said...

sunny ;]

Evelina said...

Vilken söt mamma du verkar ha! :) Hon lämnade en kommentar i min blogg, haha :)

yiqin; said...

Ah glad you are fine ! <3