October 29, 2009


Jag har fått mig en liten kusin på andra sidan jordklotet. Tyckte jag var lite kul. Alltid kul att addera lite folk till släkten :P
Ikväll blir det San Jose med Elinflikkan. Corpus Callosum ska spela. Det är ett lokalt band. Har sett dom en gång förut, och dom är typ det coolaste bandet ever. Asså liksom, väldigt lustiga och egna, om man säger så.. Så det ska nog bli bra.

I just found out that I got a baby cousin, on the other side of the planet. Thought that was fun. Always nice to add people to your family :)
Plans for tonight is to go to San Jose with Elin. Corpus Callosum is playing. It's a local band from around here. I've seen them once before, and they are like the coolest ever. Like such a weird band, but so unique- they're awesome.


Mo said...

o o o what's her/his name? grattis !

Anonymous said...

i love your blog! check out mine - it's not her, it's me. and i am selling some amazing vintage and handmade crochet goodies here: apricotbabybaby.etsy.com. check it out! xoxo ♥

Valencia Lia said...

Ohhhhh do show photos of your baby cousin ! heeeeee

And awwww,thanks! I always feel weird when I have no makeup though.