August 29, 2009


Jag fick nästan till en Jamba-feeling i min hemmagjorda smoothie idag! Woho, hur mums som helst. Hade fryst banan, frust ananas, fryst mango och apelsinjuice i. Fy tusan så god den vart ! Passar kanoners på en sjukt varm dag som denna. Har verkligen vart übermega varmt ute senaste dagarna. Och att välja att springa ute istället för på gymmet idag var en dåååålig idé. What was I thinking?

I almost made my own Jamba-smoothie today. Soo close, and it was sooo good ! It included frozen banana, frozen pineapple, frozen mangos and orangejuice. Yummie in my tummy. A coold smoothie fits perfect on a day like today- god! its soo hot outside... and me chosing the idea to run outside instead of the gym today can be described as following- Fail. What was I thinking?


divanaurlopie said...

yummy colour:D

Young Damsel said...

mmm sounds delicious! and your header is divine! wow! (:

Mo said...

o i want one !

The Sydney Girl said...
