April 16, 2009


Vi drog oss in till Hollywood Boulevard och strosade där...../We went to Hollywood Boulevard
Inne i Kodak Theather/Inside Kodak Theather
Om det ändå vore den riktigt ;) / I wish he was the real thing.. ;)
Katie Holmes var inne i en dansstudio på H BLVD och utanför stod det en massa papparazzis. Vi väntade ett tag på henne, men sen gav vi upp hehe/ Katie Holmes was inside a dance studio on H. BLVD and there were a bunch of papparazzis outside waiting for their shot.. we waited for a while but then decided to go :P
Jag blev intrevjuad av E! Det handlade om kändisparfymer. Jag skulle gissa, med lite ledtrådar, vilken kändis hans parfym var av. Jag gissade rätt. Sarah Jessica Parkers. /I got intervued by E!. I was supposed to guess who the celebrityperfume belonged to. I guess right- Sarah Jessica Parkers :P


Anonymous said...

Wauw, you travel a lot these days.. Again great photos! Oh my gosh, I really like the first one! :)
But what was that with the interview? x

Mo said...

wooo how cool !! is it gonna be on tv? how can you guess just by smelling ?! did you enjoy LA? I admit i was a little disapointed ...

Winnie said...

Aw, this looked like so much fun!

HoneyBunny said...

Wow that so cool!! Lucky you!
You looked fab!

Aline said...

It is so fun there!!

Mo said...

i guess you're right...it's a "must do" thing..;-)
hope you get picked !

Matt Rowley said...


Anonymous said...

You're welcome, and ooh that's so nice! ^^ Your trips seems just amazing! ;]

Anonymous said...

looks like fun! too bad its not the real thing :(

Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun!

Carol Jeandel said...

woo ~ so cool it`s real of you talking with them ..