April 06, 2009

Bye, Vicky (but not for long)

(Jag & Vicky)(Tina, Rachel & Anna)(Våran present till V)(Anna & mee)(Tina, Anna, Rachel, Vicky, Victoria)
Ja, kvällen spenderades hemma hos Vicky då hon hade sin avskedsmiddag. Himla lyckad kväll, men sååå tråkigt att hon ska åka. Meeen, hon kommer tillbaks i sommar :D Can't wait.
Framåt sena timmen så var nog alla himla trötta, vi körde stirra-leken där man ska kolla varandra i ögonen och inte skratta. Dude, jag var mästaren haha... Dessutom adderade vi krig med "lightsabers" haha.. Och hem åkte vi i min starcar. Jag och Anna starpoolade (istället för carpool). Jag säger då det, det va flumm... snackar man star wars och fattar noll, då är man trötta haha.. men skoj hade vi iaf. Jag grät.

I had a lovely, wonderful evening with the girls and Vicky. V is leaving tomorrow... So saaad. But she's visting this summer- that's awesome ! :D
Later, I guess we were all so tired, we played the game where ur suppose to star in each others eyes without laughing- I so rocked it haha :D And instead of carpooling home, we starpooled (since we suddenly started talking about star wars , cause we were using lightsabers in the starring-contest haha.. ). Dude, I'm telling u.. haha... I sure had a lot of fun- I laughed so hard I cried. Which is something good :P


Maria said...

Vad har du för kamera? :D

Winnie said...

Aw, looks like you girls had a lovely time!

Nia said...

Thanks girl, you're so pretty!

Victoria said...

Maria: en fuji finepix S5700 :P ingen värsting precis..

Maria said...

Ok. :D I vilket program redigerar du dina bilder? xD

Victoria said...

Maria: photoshop :P

Anonymous said...

love the pictures! :)

Anonymous said...

19 is the coolest age I think :)
we are both still 15, only 4 years to go! ^^
did you got your drivers license when you were 16? ö because you live in the united states éh? :)
that's so cool! (: