November 28, 2009

Dave Smallen and the oh so famous Black Friday

Igår var det Black Friday (stooor/galen rea då folk går upp i ottan för att fynda). Jag och Desi käkade tysk frukost och kollade på Football istället hehe. Vart en (stimmig) vända till ett köpcenter också, men det va inte så mkt rea, så vi bara eh skit samma typ hehe. Hamnade på Peets Coffee&Tea och mötte upp Elin också.
Sen på kvällen vart det först I The Mighty konsert i Mountain View, där ja typ bor, snackade lite med dom innan det vart bilresa upp till SF för ännu en konsert hehe. Dave Smallen är en grym singer/songwriter och han hade sitt Album Release Party på Bottom Of The Hill och han var grym ! Ärligt, han är sjukt bra. Ni får en video av honom (nej, det är inte videon från förra söndagen som ja också ska fixa nåndag hehe...).

Y-day was Black Friday (biiig/crazy sale when people go up waaay early to get the best deals). Me and Desi just had some german breakfast and then watched some Football instead hehe. Well we went to the mall too but it was not that much sale so we were like ehh whatever. Went to Peets Coffee&Tea instead and met up with Elin.
And later on that evening I The Mighty played in Mountain View, kinda where I live. Talked to them after and then headed of to SF for another concert. Dave Smallen is an awesome singer/songwriter and he had his Album Release Party at Bottom Of The Hill and he is really awesome ! Seriosuly. Love him. Giving you a video from y-day with him (noope, it's not the video I've been mentioning, thats from last week. I'll get to that one too hehe)...


evelyn said...

yea i was going to go to black friday but i then changed my mind...too early xD so i slept in :p

Winnie said...

I've always heard such crazy things about Black Friday in the states...


Haha, love your description of Black Friday. There's no post-Thanksgiving holiday in Canada / Thanksgiving was like a month ago, but I hope you had a great holiday!

Thanks so much for stopping by!