I söndags hade vi Bridal Shower här hemma för min värdmammas kompis. som ska gifta sig Vi började på morgonen med att fixa och dona, och sen så kom alla. 5-10tal medelålders kvinnor och alla började mingla och sånt där först. Kändes som jag satt med tjejerna från Sex and the city. Helt ärligt, dom är precis som dom ! Askul ju haha... Och sen spelade vi ett spel (bör nämnas att det va ett 21+ spel haha), med en massa frågor som "har du ..." blablabal.... Och ja, helt klart blev ja mkt visare efter det spelet haha. Lär sig mkt från dessa erfarna kvinnorna minsann haha.
Tyvärr fick ja inga bilder från det... men så äre ibland :P
Sunday was all about the Bridal Shower we arranged at our house for my host mums friend. We started in the morning , doing all the food and prep and stuff, and then everyone came. 5-10 middle-aged women and first they all just kinda mingled and ate and stuff. Totally felt like I was surrounded by the girls from Sex and the city., honestly, they are totally like them ! Awesome haha.... and well then we played this game (should be mentioned that this game was for 21+ haha) with a bunch of questions like "Have you ever...." blablabla... and yea, I totally became a level more educated after that game hehe. Learned a lot from these experienced women haha.
Unfortunately, I didn't get any pix from it, but that happens :P
Tyvärr fick ja inga bilder från det... men så äre ibland :P
Sunday was all about the Bridal Shower we arranged at our house for my host mums friend. We started in the morning , doing all the food and prep and stuff, and then everyone came. 5-10 middle-aged women and first they all just kinda mingled and ate and stuff. Totally felt like I was surrounded by the girls from Sex and the city., honestly, they are totally like them ! Awesome haha.... and well then we played this game (should be mentioned that this game was for 21+ haha) with a bunch of questions like "Have you ever...." blablabla... and yea, I totally became a level more educated after that game hehe. Learned a lot from these experienced women haha.
Unfortunately, I didn't get any pix from it, but that happens :P
love the outfit and picture!
So happy the Bridal shower went so well !! Awww,do hope there were photos from it but its okay <3
Love the photo once again !
i love this so much :)
Tack! Jag har också funderat på det där, för det känns som att jag tappar mycket av att bo med en icke amerikansk familj. Men som jag fattade det så pratar dom engelska i familjen (eftersom barnen inte kan nå mycket svenska eller tyska). Så jag kanske får prata mycket engelska ändå. Fast jag kanske missar alla amerikanska traditioner..? :/ Hm. måste fråga dom!
woo that sounds like fun ! also sounds like a typical american event... wish we had more of those here !!!
Re:I had too much fun at the karaoke !! Ahhhhhh heeeee
Lots of singing and dancing around. Awww,I need to start running. Thanks for the tips
cool pic!!
love your header too.
thanks for your comment :)
Haha :)
And I really love these pics and the colors!
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