May 17, 2011

A whole week ! Geez

Oj, va länge sen jag skrev. Typ. Vårat internet har vart lite nere i helgen... plus att jag inte haft jättemkt tid över. Typ.

Oh, such a long time ago I posted something. Kinda. Our internet's been down this weekend... plus, I haven't had too much time left. Kinda.
Ninnie och jag har varit och fikat/lunchat/middagat (??) ett par gånger. Fina grejjer. Ninnie är fina grejjer med. Eller... tekniskt sätt är hon ju bara EN grej. Och tekniskt sätt är hon ju inte en "grej". Mer utav en människa. Tror jag. Vi kanske är aliens från Jorden. Tekniskt sätt.
Sen har jag jobbat och stått i. Ytterliggare fina grejjer.

Ninnie and I have been out for lunch/dinner a few times. Nice stuff. Ninnie's nice stuff too. Or... technically she's just ONE nice thing. And technically she's not really a "thing". More a human. I think. We might be Aliens from Planet Earth. Technically.
Then I've been working a lot. More nice stuff.
I lördags gjorde Victoria Alien #1 och Ninnie Alien #2 fina smoothies. Det var fint.
Igår var det tjejkväll hemma hos Johanna. Det var trevligheter minsann. Dom hade gjort aubergine lasagne. Mumsigt. Dock fick jag ont ont i magen eftersom det var keso och sånt i den. Men men, det får man tåla ibland.
På torsdag morgon får jag mina provsvar btw. Ska bli... spännande.. eller vad man säger... ^^
Inatt blir det midnattsbio i Växjö. Pirates of the Caribbean 4. Tjoho. Det är lite tradition att Ninnie och ja ska se den på premiärsnatten. Så vi kunde ju inte bryta den traditionen denna gång ^^

On Saturday night Victoria Alien #1 and Ninnie Alien #2 made awesome smoothies. That was awesome.
Last night we had dinner with bunch of girls. Super nice. They made aubergine lasagna. Really good. Although my stomach hurt like crazy after, since they had cottage cheese in it and stuff... Oh well, you gotta withstand some things sometimes..
On Thursday morning the doctor is gonna call me and give me my test results btw... Will be.. interesting ... or whatever you say ^^
Tonight is midnight movie night. We are going to Växjö (like an hour away) to watch Pirates of The Caribbean 4. Woo! It's kind of a tradition for me and Ninnie to see that one on the premiere night. So we couldn't really brake that tradition this time. We saw no reason to ^^


ninniej said...

DU kan va fina grejer! fin grej! Alienfina är vad vi e!

Kaylia Payne said...

ooh fun! The smoothies look great! Good luck with your test results :)

cryskay said...

yummy! how was pirates 4?

dimi said...

I really like your style Victoria! You're such a fun girl! Was the movie any good? It's on this week in our one and only local cinema!! We might catch it (my bf wants to watch it!!)! It's great to have a best friend like Ninnie (who also seems like a cool girl) with similar interests to hang out!! Good luck with your test and you are always invited for vacation in Greece at my place! It's fun to have friends around the world!! Take care! :)

Debora said...

Supercute blog dear :) I like it a lot !

thank you for your lovely comment in my TokyoBlondes

Laura Mullins said...

haha is seriously love your blog so much. you always say the cutest things. and i want a smoothie now. p.s. go aliens!!

is the doctor thing just about you being lactose intolerant? i hope not, but, at the same time, i guess that isn't the most serious problem to have.

Sara said...

You always have the best time with friends and I love the faces you make :)

maggeygrace said...

I've never in my life made smoothies but you're making me want to! I love that picture, it's so cute. I think I need to do this now!:)

Mademoiselle Ruta said...

It looks like you're having a ton of fun and that smoothie looks delicious.

Btw. YES!! You should come to Toronto!

dimi said...

Hey! Anybody here?? I gave you a blog award cause you're crazy sweet! Come pick it up pleaaase! Kisses!!